Those with tooth alignment issues can benefit from the services of an orthodontist at any age – it’s not just for kids. Sheen Dental in Richmond offers a full range of orthodontic services to patients of all ages, including some subtle ways for adults to straighten their teeth.

The benefits to straightening your teeth at any age are not just about how your smile will look. Obviously, this is the biggest concern to most people, and an orthodontist can help to create the beautifully aligned smile you’ve always dreamt of. However, there are also health benefits to teeth straightening treatment.
First and foremost, it is easier to keep properly aligned teeth clean. So long as you visit your dentist and hygienist regularly, and have a good brushing and flossing routine, treatment from an orthodontist can help to cut down your risk of gum disease and tooth decay.
Special hygiene practices are needed to clean around a fixed brace, so if you have a fixed appliance of any kind you will need to book an appointment with the dental hygienist at our Richmond clinic so that you can learn how to keep it clean.
If you have issues with your bite, treatment from an orthodontist can make it easier to bite and chew food, and can in some cases help in cases of bruxism.
Treatment from aRichmond orthodontist
At Sheen Dental in Richmond our in-house orthodontist offers both fixed appliances – braces – and removable aligners to correct the full spectrum of orthodontic issues. When you come in for a consultation the pros and cons of all appropriate treatments will be discussed with you, so that you can make an informed choice.
Your orthodontist may offer:
Tooth-coloured braces
Tooth-coloured braces may be used for quick cosmetic correction (Clarity) or to treat more extensive issues (Damon Clear). They are made from clear and tooth-coloured components to blend in with your teeth.
Lingual braces
These braces are fitted to the rear – or lingual – surfaces of the teeth, making them invisible in day-to-day. They can correct a wide range of orthodontic issues, from simple to complex.