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"My new smile has made me more confident re smiling and I feel it has brightened my whole appearance. It looks natural..."
- J -
Award winning service
Normal airflow. The Soft Pallet relaxes and restricts the airflow The Soft Pallet vibrates, causing the 'snore'. The Epiglotis may also restrict the airflow and may even cause 'Sleep Apnia'.
The Silensor is introduced which when positioned and adjusted brings the lower soft tissue forward.
A custom-made mouth piece is made from impressions taken of your teeth to ensure they fit you comfortably.
Made from a hard wearing plastic, the mouthpiece is worn at night and works by holding the bottom jaw in a slightly forward position.
This position opens up your airway significantly, allowing you to breathe better and as a result sleep better too.
Life benefits
Better quality of sleep due to undisturbed breathing.
Improved overall health due to better quality of sleep.
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